

Roccai article

Roccai kunne hyre deres første medarbejder og skalere endnu hurtigere

Nanna blev iværksætter og gik ind i tech-branchen uden at kunne kode. Det lærte hun sig selv. I sin anden tech-startup, Roccai ApS, kunne hun gennem det EU-støttede projekt SMV:Vækstpilot ansætte Mathias, som hun sparrede med, mens de delte opgaverne – så han tog AI-delen, og hun byggede systemet.
Disclaimer the article is in Danish.

Ida podcast- diversitet på STEM uddannelserne

Nanna søgte hjælp til sin virksomhed – og så opdagede hun en særlig ordning

Da Nanna Bach Munkholm startede tech-virksomheden Roccai, stod hun ofte alene med de tekniske beslutninger. En ny mulighed gjorde dog, at hun kunne ansætte en ekspert i AI, som i dag er en uundværlig del af teamet.
Disclaimer the article is in Danish.


Roccai article

Diversitet som drivkraft: AI-iværksætter hjælper kvinder med at finde fodfæste i tech

En uventet besked på LinkedIn gjorde Nanna Bach Munkholm til en mentor for kvinder i tech. Mentorforløbet med Silvina Nasisi blev starten på et stærkt samarbejde, der viser, hvordan mod og netværk kan ændre karriereveje.
Ida podcast- diversitet på STEM uddannelserne

AI-iværksætter hjælper kvinder i Aarhus mod jobmuligheder i tech-branchen

En uventet besked på LinkedIn førte til, at Nanna Bach Munkholm blev mentor for kvinder med udenlandsk baggrund i tech-branchen. Mentorforløbet med Silvina Nasisi blev starten på et stærkt samarbejde, der viser, hvordan mod og netværk kan ændre karriereveje.
Disclaimer the article is in Danish.


Roccai article

The travel industry was the inspiration behind the tech startup: ‘Tinder for e-commerce’ lands a million investment from the Danish Family fund

Three experienced tech entrepreneurs have just landed an agreement with an investment fund with their new AI company Roccai, which they describe as “Tinder for e-commerce”. Now their swipe algorithm will go out into the world and live on webshops with everything from theaters and travel to outdoor equipment and sex toys.

Ida podcast- diversitet på STEM uddannelserne

CO-CODERS HEROES: Nanna Bach Munkholm “My great passion is to create something”

In the “Co-coders heroes” stories, we focus on inspiring profiles who work with technology and coding in one form or another. In this blog post, we have the pleasure of Nanna Bach Munkholm, who started her first business during her studies as a structural engineer, where she sewed grain leather bags. Through the startup environment, she opened her eyes to tech and coding.
Disclaimer the article is in Danish.


Roccai article

Here are 20 entrepreneurs from Aarhus you should know in 2023

With the help of various stakeholders in the city, we have identified 20 entrepreneurial companies from Aarhus that are worth keeping an eye on. You can meet them all here.
Disclaimer the article is in danish and I am on the list.

Ida podcast- diversitet på STEM uddannelserne

DigitalLead: Roccai

Disclaimer the article is in Danish. Roccai is a SaaS platform that offers integrable AI modules for eCommerce and the tourism industry. Their solution asks relevant questions combined with graphics or images to website visitors who are in doubt about which products or experiences suit them.


Roccai article

NEXT Investments // Investing in New and Exciting exponential Technology

NEXT is an abbreviation for New Exciting eXponential Technology – and that’s what this event will be all about.

Speaker: Nanna Bach Munkholm
Developer at Trifork & Co-founder of Roccai

Ida podcast- diversitet på STEM uddannelserne

Tre erfarne iværksættere springer ud med ny startup: – Den største fejl, jeg har begået, var, at jeg ikke dræbte den første idé hurtigt nok

Disclaimer the article is in Danish. Nanna Munkholm and the sisters Jane Houlind Ulsøe and Nanna Ulsøe throw themselves into the establishment of a new IT startup. Now the AI ​​project Roccai must really kick start growth and development.


Roccai article

The biggest mistake I have made was not to kill my first idea fast enough

Disclaimer the article is in Danish.

Ida podcast- diversitet på STEM uddannelserne

Podcast: More Diversity at the STEM educations

Disclaimer the podcast is in Danish. Why is it so important with more women in tech and more diversity at STEM educations? That is what we ask Nanna about in the episode. 

Danish tech entrepreneur

Artificial Intelligens can put together the board of directors in the agriculture

Disclaimer the article is in Danish. “Kunstig intelligens skal sammensætte landbrugets bestyrelser”

Making it as a women in denmark

Making it as a woman in Denmark

All the others were men… There were people making apps and VR games, which fascinated me a lot. Suddenly I realised that I could obtain the tools to make something more..

kvindelig tech iværksætter The Kitchen

From Construction Engineer to CTO

Disclaimer the article is in Danish. Interiør-iværksætter og bygningsingeniør: ”Studiet gav mig en ubrydelig tro på mig selv”

tech savvy article about female tech entrepreneur

Couldn’t find a CTO, so she learned to code her own Machine Learning algorithm.

Disclaimer the article is in Danish. Nanna kunne ikke finde en CTO til sit startup. Derfor lærte hun selv at kode sin Machine Learning-algoritme